Source Le monde des livres 15 mars 2013 et Fabula. Laurent Jenny. La Vie esthétique. Stases et flux. Lagrasse, Verdier, 2013, 144 pages. 16 €. ...
STASIS THEORY. The typical procedure for stasis: Fact (via narration?) Did something happen? What are the facts? If there`s a problem/issue, how did it begin and what are its causes? Its effects? Definition (via argument?
Metastasis derives from the Greek META: beyond, and STASIS: to place, and is used to describe the spread of cancer cells from the primary site to another organ/part of the body. To do this, cancer cells from the first site need& ...
Enzo Campi Silvia Molesini Selezione da «Il Verbaio – Dettati per (e)stasi a delinquere» di Enzo Campi Traduzioni in francese di Silvia Molesini come i residui di limo avviluppino la fronda rendendola sacra è cosa ancora& ...
Source Le monde des livres 15 mars 2013 et Fabula. Laurent Jenny. La Vie esthétique. Stases et flux. Lagrasse, Verdier, 2013, 144 pages. 16 €. ...
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